This analogy has been used before and it will be used again: Life is a rollercoaster.
It's been used so much because it's the perfect way to explain life. You have that long
chain lift to the top that feels like forever, giving you enough time to think to yourself,
'What did I get myself into?' over and over again. You have the ups and the downs of
the ride that can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. Though you've felt the fear and the joy of the ride, it's the end of the ride that's best. You reflect on the beast of a ride you just got on and are now exiting thinking to yourself, 'That was awesome.'
God's plans in our life are very much like that.
I was just talking to Monica about everything that has been going on lately, and we
thought back at the recent decisions that we have been making. They were out
of the ordinary, nothing like our typical, 'Lets just be safe' decisions that we have been
making for years and got us no where. With every crazy decision made, from getting
married on what started as a budget, but went on to 'Trusting in the Lord' as our budget
to not caring about the cost of our honeymoon, to now moving to Montana, it has all been
steps of faith. I think once we heard the Lord say, 'Go', we realized we needed to give Him
the freedom to do whatever He wants, no matter how crazy it felt to do what He was leading
us to do. And you know what? It's actually got us somewhere, actually it's gone beyond what
we had ever expected.
What I can't get over is the fact that whenever we took these steps of faith that He was
leading us to take, He was there, we felt Him there, we recognized that He was around and
we saw the things He was doing. It's been such an amazing thrill ride to the both of us
and we are just so overjoyed that we serve a God that is not only concerned about His will
being done, but also loves His children so much to the point of spoiling them when He sees
So no matter how crazy, how impossible the vision God has put in your heart, take the step of faith no matter the cost. Whether it'd be having to part ways with friends and family, whether it'd be putting money here instead of there, whether it'd be making friends with someone you are terrified of, whether it'd be standing on a trash can in a public place and preach the Gospel, do it. It may seem crazy, but remember that life is a rollercoaster, life is crazy, and when God puts crazy visions in your heart, He knows what He's doing. You'll come off the ride He's put you on looking back and you'll think to yourself, 'Wow, that was awesome'.
You'll be glad you took a chance on that ride.
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