Saturday, November 13, 2010

God held a Place for Us

The only thought coming across my head right now? That my God is an awesome God.

I am just now thinking back to when Monica and I were first considering whether or
not we'd move out here. One of our biggest fears was ending up in a position where
we were outside of God's will. But God has constantly met us throughout the planning
of our move and the move itself.

One thing that was especially mind blowing to me was how the Lord brought us to the
apartment we are in now.

If you've been around me anytime I spoke about our searching for an apartment up
here, you know that it was a challenge. Many landlords discouraging us from moving
up here not willing to give us a chance.

I then one day came across one apartment listing on craigslist that Monica and I were
interested in. I spoke to the landlord and he asked about the reason why Monica and I
were moving here. We were up front with him, we told him that we wanted to attend
and serve at Fresh Life. We also told him that we did not have a job lined up and all.

Expecting another rejection, he went ahead and sent me an application to fill out. He
calls me a few days later and tells me that many have applied for the apartment, but
he felt compelled to give it over to Monica and I. And we went ahead and made the plan
to move into our place when we arrived, he promised that he'd hold the apartment for
us to arrive.

So the day we were suppose to arrive, we were running a little behind schedule. It was
kind of a bummer because we worried about having to find a hotel to go to on our first
night in Kalispell. Our landlord then decided that he was going to leave the door open
for us with the key on the counter, letting us stay in our apartment for the night without
having to sign a lease or make a payment at all. That was totally God!

And so the next day he arrives so that we would deal with all the paper work. He then
brings up the fact that we moved here for Fresh Life and says, 'I actually know Levi' (our pastor at Fresh Life). We were a bit surprised about that. Turns out that our landlord is a writer for the city's newspaper, and has met with Levi and has written on the church plenty of times.

Our landlord loves what Fresh Life does for the community, so I'm guessing this is the reason
why he decided to give the apartment over to us.

I just think it's amazing how God works. It seemed so impossible to find a place here yet God had a place all along.. and it only being a few blocks away from the church.. is just awesome.

And God just keeps providing financially here too, it's just insane.

I am beyond blessed!

I'm still trying to figure out exactly why we are here.. but time will tell. Kalispell is beautiful, and that makes us really excited to be here, but we really can't wait until the Lord raises us up to serve somewhere, I'm really itching to serve.

I've learned from the past though, don't jump into anything, let God raise you up. It's when I let God do the work that He's been able to do effective work through me, and I see that it's been the same case with anyone who has been used of God.

Anyway, this was sloppy I know.. but I figured I'd quickly update everyone on what's been going on.

1 comment:

  1. Coming from someone who has seen first-hand how God made each and every step of your move here possible, I eagerly await the next few chapters in your new adventure at Fresh Life in Montana :)
