Ever read this book? It was written by King Solomon and you have a copy lying around somewhere if you've got a Bible lying around somewhere.
I've been reading and studying this book lately, I have to say that it's such a gem! Many have different interpretations of what this book is about, some say it's an allegory of God's relationship with Israel, some relate it to the Church's relationship with Christ. I personally believe that the book literally is talking about the relationship between a man and a woman who are head over heels in love with each other!
As you read this book, you see a relationship from its start to an eventual happily ever after. From the 'crush' stage, to the 'courtship', to the engagement, marriage, honeymoon, problem in marriage, make up sex, to an eventual happily ever after. Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a sucker for romantic comedies, and this book is just that, minus the comedy :)
I would encourage anyone who is set to be married, or is married to go through this book and study it in deptly and prayerfully with their spouses. It's a bit explicit and NOT FOR KIDS that's for sure. But wow, what a book it is!
I decided that I wanted to write my own version of Song of Songs about mine and Monica's relationship over the years, and just as we go on in our relationship and eventual marriage.
Years ago I wrote her songs, at our 3 months, our 1 year anniversary and even wrote one and played it on my guitar when I asked her to marry me. I thought it'd be fun to do this just to be able to look back at where we've been and how things are moving.
Maybe you should consider doing the same? Give it a shot, it'll be fun!
Now, to dig up those old songs..
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